Student Lap Desks

The ideal flexible learning environment allows children to choose their desk type and seating arrangement. Elizabeth Richards has a great range of fun Lap Desks that support different learning styles and are a great alternative to regular student desks. read more...

5 Products

Student Lap Desks

Student Lap Desk - Pack of 4
Best Seller
Student lap desk - pack of 4
$48.35 $43.95 Ex. GST

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Flexi Desk
Best Seller
Flexi desk
$43.95 $39.95 Ex. GST

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Dry Erase Folding Lap Desk
Best Seller
Dry erase folding lap desk
$54.95 $49.95 Ex. GST

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Student Lap Desk - Colours of Australia (Pack of 5)
Best Seller
Student lap desk - colours of australia (pack of 5)
$65.95 $59.95 Ex. GST

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Lap Desk Bamboo - White
Lap desk bamboo - white
$55.39 $62.95 $50.35 Ex. GST

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