Get Interactive with L3, Reading Recovery and Daily 5

Posted by Sophia Anania on

* Pictured are our A4 Magnetic Whiteboard and Magnetic Uppercase Letters.

Learning is more fun, engaging and lessons have greater impact and retention when we get interactive and think outside the box. 

When it comes to teaching Literacy, 3 of the most commonly adopted frameworks in Australian Primary School Classrooms are L3, Daily Five and the Reading Recovery program.

There are core differences between the 3 programs, but one thing they all share in common is the absolute necessity of engaging children in the lesson material on all sensory levels: 

  1. Tactile/Kinaesthetic learning: Learn more about this learning style here.
  2. Auditory learning
  3. Visual learning
  4. Social learning 

Studies have shown that the right side of the brain (responsible for visual and spatial learning) is developing rapidly between the ages of 4 to 7 years and the left side (responsible for analytical and language development) develops much more slowly, continuing until most children are around 10 or 11 years of age.

Which means that most primary-age children (Particularly those in kindergarten and Year One) respond best to hands-on learning that engages all areas of the brain: visual, tactile, auditory and social.

Group work, such as that promoted by L3 and Daily 5 programs, engages kids in social learning as they collaborate and explain what they are doing to their peers.

Physically manipulating materials to create words, sentences and pictures engages kids with the lesson material by stimulating kinaesthetic and tactile or visual learning.

Talking, reading aloud and explaining their work to their peers or teachers is the simplest possible way of engaging Auditory learning.

1. Vowel Owls - Turn learning into a game and engage all the senses in phonics and word recognition! Learn more here.

2. Phonics Dominoes - Learning becomes play when your students use these dominoes to construct hundreds of different words! Find out more here.

3. Quercetti Magnetic Numbers and Letters - Any easy, bright and colourful way to help students visually and physically engage with letter learning and word construction. Click here to view.

4. Quercetti Old Style Upper Case Letters and Numbers - Click here to view.

5. Letter Storage Tray - Perfect for organising and storing Quercetti numbers and letters and other small resources. Available in 10 different vibrant colours! Click here to find out more.

6. Double-sided Magnetic Whiteboard - Use the different sides of the board for different activities! Perfect for word construction and sentence construction using Quercetti letters... the only limit is your imagination. Shop now!

Kristy over at The Second Grade Super Kids Blog has some great ideas for setting up Daily 5 stations in the classroom.

We love Erin at Mrs Beattie's Classroom's 'Fist to Five' concept to help kids retell stories. (Auditory learning) 

Elisabeth at Literacy and Lattes has some great ideas for setting up Reading Recovery workstations.


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